Dream Big and Boldly Academy Conference for Women and Girls
Are you ready for your big and lofty dreams to manifest? Or, have you given up? Have you tried so many times and failed? Well, it's time to dream again, and this time around commit to seeing it manifest. This conference is for women and girls who have dreams, big and lofty dreams, and need a push in the right direction to take action and see their dreams manifest. This conference is also for women and girls who have faced obstacles to living their dreams. Some have abandoned their dreams or spend a huge part of their lives living the dreams or others or being discouraged to live their dreams. Research informs us that over 50 percent of women give up on their dreams. One of the main reasons is due to lack of confidence. However, of those who pursue their dreams, about 82 percent achieve them. 82 percent is encouraging and worth the gamble to take a leap and live your dreams. This conference is in two parts.
Part 1 is for women leaders and part 2 is for our future women leaders, girls.
In this conference, you will be inspired, empowered, motivated, gain confidence, and held accountable to live your dreams boldly. This is a 6-day conference with an incredible speaker line-up to equip women and girls to live their dreams boldly. Join us at the 2022 Dream Big and Boldly Academy Conference.

Part 1: Dream Big and Boldly Women Leader
Day 1: August 8: Your Low Confidence is Costing You Your Dreams. How to Take Charge and Become the Authentic Confident Leader you were Created FOR with Maurine Kwende
Day 2. August 9: Courageously Live your Dreams a Better Way with Laura Kulp
Day 3: August 10: Mountain Climbing 101: How to Climb & Conquer the Mountain That’s Standing Between You and Your Dreams with Kelly Neff
Day 4: August 11: Dreaming with an Eye on Finances: Get Your Financial Dream Ducks in a Row with Larissa Young
Part 2: Future Women Leader (Girls) Program
Day 5: August 12: Future Women Leaders (Girls) Communicate and Speak Differently Day 1 with Maurine Kwende
Day 6: August 13: Future Women Leaders (Girls) Communicate and Speak Differently Day 2 with Maurine Kwende
Ready to Sign up?
Click on the register button and sign up now
Are you a group or interested in signing up for individual sessions?
Email us with your request now!

Leap to Your Passion and Purpose Mastermind
I’m inviting you to join a 4-week mastermind of my book “Dream Big and Live Your Dreams Boldly: Taking Action to Fulfill Your Passion and Purpose.” If you haven’t read the book, it’s a self-help, self-coaching, and self-awareness book to help you overcome obstacles holding you back from living your dreams. Are you constantly being told that you are not good enough, not where you are supposed to be in life? Do you ever find yourself believing those lies, feeling unfulfilled, not living your dreams, feeling stuck, weighed down by obstacles, and lacking in confidence and clarity to move forward? When all is said and done, my guess is you really just want to be the best version of yourself, and live your dreams boldly but you just don’t know how to? Then join this 4-week mastermind and engage in a 4-week intensive study and application of the book. The only way you can be better is to learn how to do better and when you know how to do better, you will do better. First, you must learn how.
Learn more below and sign up for my 4-Weeks Mastermind today!

So You’re Thinking……Why Join Mastermind, I Already Have The Book
Reading the book is great but a mastermind is about the application. Reading a book and watching a movie acted from the same book are two different experiences.
Benefits of Masterminds
• When you join a mastermind, there is excitement and synergy of joining other participants with a common goal.
• The mastermind offers a diversity of thought, peer brainstorming, accountability, and support in a group setting to sharpen your personal and business skills.
• The mastermind also brings fresh ideas and a different perspective from the group setting.
• My masterminds will help you commit to taking action and achieving success.
• In addition, you will join a group of like-minded individuals who want to take action to live their dreams as well.
You will begin the mastermind with a challenge and work through the challenge, set smart goals, be held accountable to take action, and celebrate success.
When Does the Mastermind Begin?
the mastermind begins on July 11th, 2022.
Available On Mondays and Wednesdays July 11, 13, 19 and 21 from 11:30 am-1:00pm EST EST:
What will each participant will receive:
A signed copy of my book “Dream Big and Boldly: Taking Clarity to take action to Fulfill Your Purpose.
A chance each week to be on the 'hot seat.'
An accountability tracker.
An accountability partner.
Zoom Calls for each day of the Mastermind.
Access to the weekly recorded zoom call.
Handouts on leadership and personal growth.
Complementary coaching during the mastermind.
Surprises to be won.
What To Expect
Weekly interactive engaging virtual meetings with a maximum of 10 other participants.
Each participant will get on the 'hot seat' and discuss one challenge and find a solution with the help of the group.
Find an accountability partner from the group.
Honest feedback and an instant valuable support network.
With a sense of purpose and shared endeavor, you are not alone.
A positive environment, mindset, and attitude.
Confidence and clarity to take action and fulfill your passion and purpose.
The only way you can be better is to learn how to do better and when you know how to do better, you will do better. First, you must learn how.
Sign up for the 4-Week Mastermind below!
Ready to sign up?
Select the Register button and sign up now
Dream Big and Boldly Conference
August 2022